New Leadership for 2022
We are excited about our soon-to-be-unveiled leadership for 2022. Watch out!
OChEGS Officers for 2021
Hello everyone! We hope everyone enjoyed our first event of the year as we are planning more to come. Our new officers are as follows: President Shreeyansh Rastogi2nd YearAdvisors: Dr. Harold, Dr. Donnelly, and Dr. Economou Vice President Vraj Chauhan1st YearAdvisor: Dr. Rimer Social Chair/Secretary Shayne Sensenbach1st YearAdvisor: Dr. Orman Treasurer/Webmaster Hadi Bourji1st YearAdvisor: Dr.…
2020 OChEGS Symposium Q&A
Video Available Here! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PZUnf68Yi0Dh6UTNsIvK56OTjDyFRLSb/view?usp=sharing