Category: Announcements

  • OChEGS Officers for 2020

    Howdy y’all! Off to a great start in 2020 (besides COVID-19) with the website getting revamped so you get to see more OChEGS around! Our new officers are as follows: President Surya Pratap Singh Solanki 2nd Year  Advisor: Dr. Lars Grabow Vice President Shreeyansh Rastogi 1st Year Advisors: Dr. Harold, Dr. Donnelly, and Dr. Economou …

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  • OChEGS Officer for 2019

    Hi everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. As summer has been going well and warm, we are planning to hold fun and cool events. But first, we would like to introduce our new officers! President:  Ali Slim Advisor: Dr. Jacinta Conrad 3rd year   Vice President: Surya Pratap Singh Solanki Advisor: Dr. Lars Grabow…

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  • Our OChEGS Officers for the 2018 Year

    This year, we have a former president and three new officers who hold leadership. President:  Quan Do Dr. Lars Grabow’s Group 5th year     Vice President: Ali Slim Dr. Jacinta Conrad’s Group 2nd year     Treasurer/Historian: Abhay Gupta Dr. Michael Harold’s Group 2nd year     Event Planner: Deependra Parmar Dr. Jeffrey Rimer’s…

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The Organization of Chemical Engineering Graduate Students (OChEGS) at the University of Houston is a place where graduate students can come together to network, share ideas, discuss their research, and most of all, find a bit of fun to add to their graduate student life cycle. We strive to ensure a healthy social life to complement a research driven lifestyle. By offering luncheons with faculty, picnics, movie nights, and many more activities, we hope to give graduate students a chance to relax, connect and have fun.


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